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Signal: 2 pairs Difference (v5.

input string _s13_=”–> 2 pairs diff <—“;
input int TypeDiffSignal = 1; // 1=On 2 pairs Diff Strategy

input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES Diff_InitTF = PERIOD_M15; // Attach EA at same TF as in set, it can be M1 M5 M15…any
enum TypeBarOrTime {BAR,Time};
input TypeBarOrTime StartBarOrTime = BAR; // BAR = how many Bars EA paint differences , Time = from what Date and Time it will hold fixed difference for calculation
input int StartBarBack = 100; // For BAR – how many bars back we look for differences
input datetime StartDateTimeCalc = D’2024.08.01 00:00′; // For Time – where we fix start point for calculate and do not remoove point
input string FirstPair = “EURUSD”; // first pair and pair where EA must be attached
input string SecondPair = “GBPUSD”; // second pair can be any
input double SignalDiffPips = 15; // signal in pip differences between pairs to open start positions, after this level EA will use PisStep
input bool Reverce_Diff = true; // false = reverse signal off (antitrend to each other), true = reverse signal ON (thend)

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